Today we are celebrating a wonderfully special Grandparent's Day with Aaron and Donovan's Grandma (my mom).
My mom had been away on the coast of Maine for a week with friends, and the boys were thrilled to see her today! They have both missed her during her week's vacation, and have been eagerly awaiting her return.
This photo was taken today after my mom gave the boys crab shells from the coast of Maine. They were thrilled! After lunch she gave them each two sets of fall/winter pajamas (which we need right now with our cooler weather at night!) and a new book. And, then coins to feed to their piggy banks. The boys are napping now and we are looking forward to a wonderful afternoon and dinner with Grandma!
Even though I know it's Grandparents' Day, and not Mother's Day, I want to say that my mother is truly my very best friend and I truly know how fortunate I am to have her in my life. I admire my mother so much, in so many ways, and she is exactly the kind of role model I want in my children's lives. She is such a selfless person, who has shown this time and time again (caring at home for two terminally ill husbands, and taking in her mom (my Mimiere) to live with us from 1986-2010, including caring for her for several years after a massive stroke). My mom has always done a lot of charity work. From a young age I was taught the importance of helping those less fortunate. We hosted Fresh Air children from NYC every summer, brought donations to homeless shelters, provided meals to the Ronald McDonald House, etc.
As a grandmother, my mom absolutely adores both of her grandsons. She sees them several times a week and loves playing with them. When one has an appointment, she always offers to help by spending the day with the other boy. Both boys already have fond memories of going to the penny candy store near her house, swimming in the pool with her, going shopping with her, and going to the playground. Aaron, though he has only known his grandmother for 4 1/2 months now, loves her so much. At least once a day he asks if she is at her house or if she is coming to see us that day.
I remember sharing our news with her that our adoption plans (for a healthy baby girl) had changed, and that instead we had found the most gorgeous 3 year old little boy, and felt so strongly that he was to be our son. Of course she was expecting a granddaughter, as that was what we had applied to China for back in 2008 - but within a moment of hearing our news, seeing the excitement and joy on our faces, she was 100% supportive of our decision, and truly happy for us, and for our new son.
My mom has suffered so many losses in her life, and at my age (36) suddenly became a single mother, when my father died after a 3 month bout with cancer. It would be easy for someone in her situation to feel sorry for themself, and choose to be negative/pessimistic, but instead, she has always chosen to focus on the positive and enjoy every moment. The saying on our blog "Life is not measured in the number of breaths you take, but in the moments that take your breath away." is one that is near and dear to my heart.
Happy Grandparents day to the most wonderful grandparent I know - my mom! Donovan and Aaron are so lucky to have you in their lives, loving them, and we appreciate you so much!
Nicole: We are leaving for China 10/7/10. We are currently trying to decide where to stay in Guangzhou. Of course, our agency wants us at the WS with everyone else. But, I've heard from so many that the HI Shifu has bigger rooms with more comfortable beds. Can you give me anymore insight why you chose the HI Shifu?
email me at: firebug445@yahoo.com