One month ago today, we met Aaron in China. It is hard to believe it has only been one month that we have known him. While he entered the Adoption Center a bit frightened (not to mention having endured motion sickness on the three hour ride), but by the time we were in our hotel room, we began very quickly to see our VERY ENTHUSIASTIC and ENERGETIC son. Aaron is a very, very happy child (but he can throw a temper tantrum like we have never seen before!)
It is amazing how much he has changed in one month! Every day he impresses us and amazes us more and more...And I can't wait to see what the future holds for him...
What a Difference One Month Makes! So many changes!
* He has changed from a boy who had no idea that kids play in the bathtub to now pretending to "swim, swim" in the bathtub. In China, he stood (or with coaxing from us he would squat for a few minutes) and he only used the stacking cup toys we had brought to pour water over himself to rinse himself. He wanted to wash himself with the soap. Now he lets Mom wash him, and rinse him, and he focuses on playing with toys in the tub, as a 3 year old should!
* He has changed from a little boy who had never used a Western toilet before, and was PETRIFIED of them, to a little boy who happily announces he needs to go "pee pee now now," (a cominbination of the English and Mandarin terms), and then happily races to the toilet, and can't wait to flush it afterwards.
* He is learning English so fast. He surprises us at times, for example, saying "Mommy, napkin," out of the blue when I had forgotten to set napkins out at lunchtime.
* He is learning the routines of our family and our day, and the expectations we have for him and for Donovan.
* He is learning what it means to have a mom, dad, brother, and grandma who adore him. He is learning what it feels like to be loved.
He is a three year old boy who has endured more in his short life than any of us can imagine. He is a boy who is brave, courageous, and inspiring. We are so lucky to have him as our son; we are so lucky to be his parents.
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