One Month Ago Today, Aaron officially became our son. This was the day we legally adopted him. However, in our hearts, he became our son on November 18th, when we first saw his photo and knew he was supposed to be our son.
One Month Ago Today, Aaron gained his Forever Family. His life and ours will never be the same - they will be so much more meaningful now that we have one another.
Today I am thinking about a special "online friend," Shannon, who is the special person who emailed me when she saw Aaron on her agency's list of waiting children. She was responding to a post I had made on RQ (Rumor Queen), and emailed me to tell me her agency (Great Wall) had a new, and rather lengthy list of waiting children, and specifically about the most gorgeous little boy who was # 97 on the list. As most of you know from following our blog, I did not pay any attention to the number of the child she mentioned, and instead began scrolling down the list at the sweet photos and descriptions, (and really, I was looking at the GIRLS), until suddenly, my eyes met the most gorgeous little boy, wearing an American flag t-shirt, and at that moment, I felt that I had met my son. The feeling was no different than when I look at a photo of Donovan. Later, when I looked back at Shannon's email to me, I saw that my son was child # 97 that she had emailed me about. I would NEVER have found our son if Shannon had not emailed me. I was not LOOKING on other agencies' lists of waiting children, as we were already logged in with CAWLI. I would NEVER have known about him. Just a few months after we found Aaron, CCAA requested all agencies' files of waiting children back and instead put them on the huge shared list, where there is no doubt, I would not have ever found him.
Everyday I realize just how lucky I am that we found Aaron.
I'm still working on adding photos to my posts from when we were IN CHINA, and to change the size of the ones that are there, to be larger. Not sure if the photos today are already on my blog, but the first three are from our Adoption Day, and the final photo is Aaron today, relaxing in an Adirondack chair on the front lawn.
The picture of Aaron in the Adirondack Chair is priceless. He looks so comfortable.